Four-Hour Sanitation Classes

Our Historic Win!


In July 2020, Faces Etc of MN, along with our alumni, some industry professionals, and our friends at the Institute for Justice, was instrumental in changing the law regarding onsite freelance artists in Minnesota!

The Minnesota Board of Cosmetology had sent out fliers stating that they were coming for the Wedding onsite bridal makeup artists, trying to force those artists into their beauty programs. We decided to push back via both a lawsuit and bill, which we launched right during the throes of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Being in both industries myself for over four decades, this was a fight that was close to home. After dedicating my entire career to these industries and also being the mother of 4 daughters, 2 of whom are also cosmetologists, so this was a very personal battle for our hundreds of alumni and us!

After many trips to our capital and speaking before both the Senate and House committees, we were successful in our endeavor to UNREGULATE both MAKEUP AND SIMPLE HAIRSTYLING from the Cosmetology/Esthetics curriculum!

That bill was signed into LAW by the Governor on JULY 1, 2020. for all Minnesota ONSITE Makeup artists, which not only gave them their freedom to work unhindered but also allowed them to be able to do onsite event makeup (now unregulated) in a licensed salon setting as well.

Bill SF#2898 comes with MANDATORY one-time 4-hour MN laws and rules and sanitation/disinfection requirements. In class, you will receive your PPN provider number, which is your proof of training and your EXEMPTION status.

This class also qualifies for any (you do not need to be a Faces Etc of MN graduate to attend this class), so ANY licensed beauty professional who needs their 4-hour (every three years) CORE Sanitation class for license renewal-this class and PPN number is your 4 HOUR CORE SANITATION class.

Classes are typically run quarterly-or salons can send staffing over for their class by contacting the school for a private class. These classes are done “onsite” only at our new location in uptown: Faces Etc of MN 1313 W.26th Street Mpls, MN 55405.

Watch our social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram accounts @Facesetcofmn for a class announcement, or contact the school to be placed on a waiting list for an upcoming class at (612) 824-3000 or [email protected].

Education done right!